Posts tagged “Metal Impacts

First Theme of 2014!

metal photo

Happy New Year!  As I’m sure most of you are aware, it’s been a long time since I started a new theme.  It’s been mainly due to simply being so busy over the past few months but on top of that, part of me does also like to put new themes on hold for a while from time to time so that we can give a bit more attention to existing themes that haven’t become that big a collection a yet.  I’d rather have less but bigger collections of sounds than lots of very small collections of different themes.  In this way, when members do get access to a collection it feels more of a bonanza than if you only get a couple of new sounds for your trouble.  Anyway, like I say, it’s been a while and what better time than now to kick off a new theme?  I’ve had a few suggestions for new themes over the past few months (and some of those will be appearing over the coming months) but, for now, I wanted to go with a suggestion by Rene Coronado, who has offered up ‘Metal Impacts’.  In his words, we need:

“clean, thick stereo recordings fit to be twisted into other things.  The idea being that these would be useful in designing big stylized hits and slams.  Natural reverberation is fine, multiple iterations with clean tails would be great.  Good candidates include hits on large garage doors, big metal door slams, even just straight suspended sheets of metal.  Anything big and resonant sounding.”

So I’d say this theme is an ideal candidate for using higher sample rates which lend themselves better towards pitching sounds down.  Some contact mic trickery might be fun as well perhaps?  Just a small add on my part:  If you record lots of hits, please keep them condensed to as few tracks as is appropriate /suitable.  Don’t send me loads of short files of single, similar hits, or the theme folder will get unwieldy and confusing.  Other than that, it is just what it says on the tin (pardon the pun).  As Rene mentioned, I think ‘big’ and ‘resonant’ are the keywords to remember here.

This is always a popular one with sound designers or, for that matter,anyone who likes making loud noises!  So have fun with it – I look forward to hearing the results.

Have a great 2014 everyone!